League of Legends: Best 1v1 Mid Only Champ Revealed by Reddit Users

Discover the champion picks that reign supreme in intense 1v1 mid matchups according to LoL enthusiasts on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you looking to dominate your friends in a 1v1 mid-lane face-off in League of Legends? Reddit users weigh in on the best champ picks!


  • Tristana and LeBlanc excel in 1v1s due to their burst potential.
  • Some players prioritize skill over champ choice, like picking Chovy.
  • There’s a variety of strong picks, from assassins to bruisers, for mid-lane duels.

Tristana: The Unstoppable ADC

According to the community, Tristana’s kit makes her an oppressive force in mid-lane duels, with her ability to burst down opponents quickly.

Chovy: Skill Trumps All

Some players believe that champion choice matters less than individual skill, with Chovy being a popular pick regardless of champ.

Versatile Picks for Victory

From Tryndamere’s relentless pursuit to Irelia’s precise blade work, players highlight a range of champions for dominating 1v1s.

Whether you prefer raw power or intricate mechanics, there’s a champ for every playstyle in mid-lane showdowns.