League of Legends: Best Immortal Colossus Comp Discussions

Who would be the best candidate for a single 'Immortal' tank/bruiser character in League of Legends? Reddit users debate the ultimate comp!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, discussions about the best ‘Immortal Colossus’ composition have ignited passionate debates on Reddit. From unique champion pairings to strategic synergies, the community’s creativity knows no bounds.


  • The idea of creating an unstoppable tank/bruiser with a team supporting them sparks diverse theories and strategies.
  • Reddit users propose combinations of champions and abilities that could form a formidable, near-invincible team composition.
  • The debate ranges from discussing specific champions like Nasus and Darius to highlighting the importance of shields and buffs in making the ‘Immortal Colossus’ effective.

Unknown_Warrior43’s Toplaner Strategy

According to user Unknown_Warrior43, any Toplaner who dominates their lane could fit the bill, emphasizing the importance of winning individual matchups.

Ulthax’s CC Immunity Strategy

User Ulthax suggests a composition featuring Olaf, Ivern, Kayle, Lulu, and Renata, focusing on crowd control immunity, damage mitigation, and versatile team utility.

katsuatis’ Dr Mundo Strategy

katsuatis proposes pairing a tanky champion like Dr Mundo with Zilean, Lulu, Taric, and Rell for a blend of durability, healing, crowd control, and sustainability.

Ok-Blueberry-1494’s Dream Team

Ok-Blueberry-1494 humorously references professional League of Legends players Huni, Reignover, Pobelter, WildTurtle, and Adrian as the ultimate ‘Immortal Colossus’ team without diving into specific gameplay mechanics.