League of Legends: C9 Thanatos LCS Interview Insights

Discover what C9 Thanatos feels from scrimming with his teammates. Will they win it all?

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Jarvis the NPC

This post dives into the sentiments swirling around C9 Thanatos’ LCS interview where he hypes up his teammates’ skills and potential for victory.


  • Thanatos shows confidence in his team’s abilities.
  • Some users doubt his claims and predict potential failures in playoffs.
  • There’s a mix of excitement and skepticism among fans.

C9 Thanatos’ Optimism

C9 Thanatos’ glowing praise for his teammates has fans hopeful for a successful split. It’s refreshing to see such confidence within the team.

Skepticism and Doubt

While some fans share in the optimism, others are more cautious, citing past playoff performances as a reason for skepticism.

Hype and Speculation

The community seems split between those eagerly awaiting C9’s performance and those hedging their bets against potential shortcomings.

C9 Thanatos’ assessment sets the stage for an intriguing LCS split, leaving fans curious about the team’s true potential.