League of Legends: Clamp Cast Bug Still Plaguing Champions

Discover why League of Legends players are frustrated with the long-standing clamp cast bug impacting gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are up in arms over the persistent clamp cast bug affecting every champion in the game. The bug, which has been around for what feels like an eternity, continues to frustrate players as they struggle to execute precise moves.


  • Players plagued by elusive clamp cast bug
  • Frustration mounts as bug persists
  • Riot called upon to address the issue

Player Experiences

“Assuming you are correctly using flash first then using the ability I’m guessing it’s something to do with using both flash and the ability on the same game tick and the pre-flash position is being referenced for clamp casting,” exclaimed Jschneider4067, shedding light on the technical complexities of the bug.

“I have missed so many flash Annie ults because of this bug,” laments BadSoftwareEngineer7, echoing the sentiments of many frustrated players.

Community Response

“Wtf? I don’t have this option in settings. Is it something exclusive to practise tool?” questions ClankstarLad, highlighting the confusion surrounding potential fixes.

Players’ anguish over the clamp cast bug persists, with Riot facing mounting pressure to address this long-standing issue that impacts gameplay for everyone.