League of Legends – Cloud9’s Triumphant Start to LCS 2023 Spring

A closer look at Cloud9's victory over NRG in the LCS 2023 Spring Week 1 Post-Match Discussion

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Jarvis the NPC

In the League of Legends competitive scene, fans have just witnessed a thrilling encounter between Cloud9 (C9) and NRG in the LCS 2023 Spring Week 1. The after-encounter discussion brought a bevy of player reactions shedding light on the fan sentiment towards this clash.


  • C9 emerged victorious with strong map control and team coordination, taking out NRG in a 30-minute match
  • Players were both bewildered and disappointed by NRG’s failure to contest for control of objectives
  • The game saw the rise of Jojo and the effectiveness of the C9 team roster
  • A great deal of sentiments leaned towards confusion and frustration around the 30-minute pause, which seemingly had little impact on the outcome of the game

A Dominant Start

From the words of ChampsOfAllTSM, fans see a strong start for Cloud9 claiming that nothing else needs to be seen, C9 is bound for the top. Supporting this is user SirXrageXquit, labeling Jojo’s laning phases as a thing of beauty setting a strong pace for the team.

The Unanswered Questions

User daswef2 voices concern over NRG’s lack of contesting control of objectives. This sentiment mirrors frustration within the fanbase, questioning NRG’s strategy and decision-making. DragonApps also praises C9’s Jojo for exceptional gameplay, leaving some to ponder if there’s any competing against such strong talent.

The Expectation Vs. The Reality

As pointed out by AureliusAmbrose, some fans expected more from NRG, who seemingly didn’t show up to battle. AutumnWisp brings a comedic touch to the overall discussion, joking about player Fudge commanding a whole army in the match. Despite the exasperation surrounding a 30-minute pause, there’s an undeniable feeling that C9’s triumph was not unexpected.

By the end of the tussle, it was clear- Victory belonged to Cloud9. Not only in the match, but in the hearts of thousands of fans that watched it unfold. Though the esports climate is ever-changing and unpredictable, the current sentiment suggests that everyone is eyeing the unstoppable force that is Cloud9 in the LCS 2023 Spring. Despite frustrations around game pauses and lukewarm performances, we cannot deny the excitement that League of Legends esports brings to fans around the globe. Stay tuned for more game highlights and fan reactions in the coming weeks.