League of Legends: Damage or Cooldown Reduction – What’s tipping the Scale?

Is focus on damage killing League of Legends, or is Cooldown Reduction (CDR)? A deeper look into this ongoing debate.

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In the abdomen of a dragon, the League of Legends community has been stirring. A user, VeryUnderQualified, invoked a discussion with a rather controversial standpoint. They stated that the overwhelming focus on damage in the game is sidelining the equally worrisome issue of Cooldown Reduction (CDR) which is upsetting the game balance.


  • The poster raises concern over overuse of Cooldown Reduction (CDR).
  • Claims that instead of damage, CDR has led to lesser outplay potential.
  • The poster believes that this shift in meta has resulted to feeling unnatural for some champions.
  • Ultimately suggests that reducing damage will not solve anything but rather will create an adverse effect on the gameplay.

Damage or Cooldown Reduction – A Dichotomy?

The initial assertion from VeryUnderQualified argues that the current heated focus on damage distracts from the real issue. DocFreezer comments, interrogating whether they both can be a problem. This raises an interesting perspective, suggesting that perhaps the community’s criticism isn’t contained to a singular point of concern.

Champion Abilities – A Shift in the Meta?

Characters with longer cooldowns, like Nami and Vel Koz, are finding it arduous to keep up with the fast-paced meta strengthened by CDR. While the comment from Leafeon1 may suggest otherwise, it cannot be denied that people don’t usually complain about Nami’s bubble. The question arises, is it more about players adapting to the meta than the meta itself?

The Evolution of Gameplay

The game’s development over the years brings about an essential question: Is the evolution natural or forced? A sarcastic comment by llIlIlI on the over-exaggeration of Zed presents a comical yet important view on the changing game dynamic and the community’s response.

Community Perception – Overkill or a Real Deal?

The post ends with a rather soothing comment from InfieldTriple, poking fun at the community’s knack for panicking. Community is wrong most of the time anyway. He adds. Whether or not this comment holds, one thing is certain: this debate between damage and Cooldown Reduction is far from over.

All jabs and jests aside, it seems the question of whether damage or Cooldown Reduction is causing a ruckus in the balance of League of Legends has no concrete answer. The community holds divided opinions, with some accusing the expedited meta, while others place blame on the players’ inability to adapt. So whether you believe in reducing damage or reverting Cooldown Reductions, remember – it’s always more than just a game!