League of Legends: Disable Zoom on Mouse Wheel? Community Reactions

Discover how League of Legends players feel about the zoom function on the mouse wheel and their suggestions for improvement.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are divided on whether Riot should disable the zoom function on the mouse wheel. FaceLessCoder is frustrated with adjusting zoom levels while playing. Some users suggest minor adjustments, while others feel Riot should provide keybinding options. Let’s dive into the community reactions and suggestions shared on the subreddit.


  • Players express frustration with constant zoom adjustments interfering with gameplay.
  • Suggestions range from minor adjustments in settings to Riot providing keybinding options.
  • Some players are hesitant to use third-party mods due to security concerns.

Zoom Function Frustrations

FaceLessCoder sparked the discussion by expressing annoyance at having to correct zoom levels frequently while using the middle mouse button for attack-on-move. This constant interruption affects their gameplay flow.

Riot’s Responsibility

Some users, like Zarradhoustra, believe it’s reasonable to expect basic features like keybinding from Riot. They express frustration with the lack of control over such a fundamental aspect of gameplay.

Community Suggestions

Ashankura highlights the simplicity of implementing a quality-of-life feature like disabling the mouse wheel zoom, emphasizing that it would directly improve the player experience in a matter of seconds.

Security Concerns

Speed_of_Cat voices concerns about modifying the game through mods due to Vanguard’s kernel-level access, opting to avoid potential risks despite the desire to disable the zoom feature. This showcases a balance between customization and security for players.

The diverse range of perspectives in the League of Legends community reflects the ongoing conversation around game functionality and player customization. Whether it’s requesting simple adjustments or evaluating potential risks, players continue to engage with the game’s design to enhance their experience.