League of Legends: Discover the Secret of Pink Wards Becoming Elder Wards

Uncover the mystery of pink wards evolving into Elder Wards and how players react to this newfound knowledge!

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players recently stumbled upon the revelation that pink wards can transform into Elder Wards, sparking awe and amusement within the community. Dive into the details of this surprising discovery and the reactions it evoked.


  • Discover the whimsical tradition of dancing before an Elder Ward.
  • Learn about the unique leveling system and effects of wards in the game.
  • Explore the quirky attributes of control wards, including max attack speed.

Revelation of Pink Wards

A Reddit user, NuudNoodles, shared an amusing anecdote about dancing before an Elder Ward, signifying a newfound tradition spawned by the transformation process. The community found this ritual both entertaining and endearing, adding a charming layer to the game experience.

The Warding Dynamics

The detailed breakdown provided by FrankTheBoxMonster shed light on the intricate mechanics behind ward leveling. Players were intrigued by the concept of wards gaining levels and the visual effects accompanying their evolution, such as sparkly particles. This insight deepened the players’ appreciation for the game’s complexity.

Unveiling Control Ward Secrets

As rho57 revealed the max attack speed attribute of control wards, players were taken aback by this unexpected feature. The revelation sparked discussions on the strategic implications of this hidden mechanic and how it could potentially impact gameplay strategies.

The community’s response to the discovery of pink wards evolving into Elder Wards showcased a blend of amusement and fascination, highlighting the game’s ability to surprise and delight its players with hidden intricacies and quirky details. Players reveled in the newfound tradition of dancing before Elder Wards and engaged in lively discussions about ward leveling dynamics and the unique traits of control wards.