League of Legends: Dive into the Drama of a 0/10 Performance

Explore the controversy around LolGeranimo's 0/10 performance in League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, drama unfolds as LolGeranimo faces backlash for a 0/10 performance during a stream.


  • LolGeranimo’s performance sparks criticism and accusations of boosting.
  • Community expresses disappointment in his behavior compared to his past reputation.
  • Questions arise regarding lack of consequences for streamers.

Backlash and Accusations

AbyssalFlame02 mockingly suggests LolGeranimo is boosted to master rank due to his poor gameplay. The community questions his integrity and skill level.

Disappointment in Decline

NoNameL0L reminisces about the streamer’s once stellar reputation, expressing disappointment at his current state of gameplay and behavior.

Streamers & Consequences

ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp highlights the issue of streamer immunity, critiquing the lack of punishment for questionable actions on stream.

JoshuaLukacs1 questions why LolGeranimo has not faced a permanent ban despite his actions.

The community’s frustration with perceived unjust treatment towards streamers like LolGeranimo continues to brew.