League of Legends: Embracing the Strength of Warmogs

Discover why Warmogs is making a comeback in League of Legends and redefining tank durability in battles.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players have been buzzing about the surprising resurgence of Warmogs in the current meta. In a recent post on the subreddit, user kevthegamedev dives into the renewed viability of this once overlooked item that has now become a powerful asset for tank champions.


  • Warmogs, often underestimated, shines as a cost-effective tank item providing high effective HP.
  • Players highlight the strategic importance of Warmogs’ attributes, especially in diverse damage scenarios.
  • Community discourse acknowledges the item’s utility for specific champion builds, emphasizing its situational advantage.

Players’ Perspectives on Warmogs

Deltafly01 emphasizes individual choice in item selection, stating that unpopular items should not be disregarded outright by players.

Fiercuh humorously warns against divulging Warmogs’ strength to maintain its hidden potential from opponents.

Mazuruu praises the out-of-combat movespeed boost of Warmogs, noting its impact on junglers and splitpushers for map presence.

Wagle333 shares an anecdote about a friend utilizing Warmogs for lane pressure through sustained harassment against opponents.

Debates on Tank Durability

FlamingoShame expresses concerns about tank viability in mid-to-late game scenarios due to overwhelming damage output from various sources, questioning the effectiveness of high HP builds.

DiscipleOfAniki disputes the effectiveness of Warmogs, arguing that champions with high base stats may benefit more from other tank items in combat situations.

KwisatzX provides an analytical comparison of Warmogs and Randuins, emphasizing the importance of base stats and scaling in evaluating effective HP.

The lively discussions highlight the evolving perspectives on tank itemization and the nuanced considerations involved in optimizing tank durability in League of Legends battles.