League of Legends: Have Certain Champions Attracted You?

From Noxus to Ionia, Reddit users share why they feel drawn or repelled by League champions.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, have you ever felt a special connection to certain champions, or steered clear of others based on their lore or aesthetics?


  • Players often avoid or favor champions based on lore and character aesthetics.
  • Some players choose champions that match their playstyle or personality.
  • Connection to champions can be influenced by voice lines or team composition.
  • Personal biases and preferences heavily impact champion selection.

PepsiSenpaiSan’s Revelation

For user PepsiSenpaiSan, the allure of Noxus champions remains elusive due to their portrayal as the evil and power-hungry nation in the lore. This sentiment extends to avoiding the shadow isles champions as well, showcasing how lore can sway player preferences.

Voice Lines and Aesthetics

Doenerjunge enjoys champions like Kled, Mundo, and Aatrox not just for their abilities but also for their impactful voice lines. This highlights how auditory elements can enhance the player experience beyond gameplay mechanics.

Team Representation Matters

YetAnotherBee’s shift in perspective towards Zaun champions post-Renata release illustrates how seeing specific champions on their team can create a deeper sense of connection and belonging, even influencing emotional response during gameplay.

Personal Playstyle and Preferences

Striking_Material696’s aversion to champions with significant self-healing abilities demonstrates how gameplay mechanics and counterplay strategies heavily influence champion selection. This personal bias extends to a dislike for playing against such champions.

Final Thoughts

League of Legends offers a diverse roster of champions, each with unique lore, abilities, and aesthetics that cater to different player preferences. Whether driven by lore, playstyle, or personal connection, the champions we choose to wield in the Summoner’s Rift often reflect a deeper aspect of ourselves, shaping our gameplay experience and interactions within the game world.