League of Legends: How Jungle Mains Feel About Mages Taking Over the Jungle

Discover the diverse opinions of League of Legends players on mages dominating the jungle meta.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a jungle teeming with magical creatures, League of Legends players are split on how they feel about mages ruling the roost…


  • Players enjoy the diversity of viable jungler archetypes.
  • Overtuned mages dominating the jungle meta lead to frustration.
  • The prominence of AP junglers affects overall team composition.
  • Jungle mains appreciate the adaptability offered by the wide champion pool.


Some players, like Reddit user Lopsided_Chemistry89, welcome the faster clear speed of mages, contrasting it with traditionally slower champions like Warwick and Jarvan.


However, AethelisVelskud expresses dismay when mages overshadow other picks due to imbalanced mechanics, citing Garen and Darius as examples of successfully integrated non-jungle characters.


Skunkers relishes the expanded strategic options provided by an influx of diverse jungler types, moving away from the former role of jungle as purely supportive.

coder2314 notes the frustration when overtuned champs dictate the meta, disrupting the fluidity of team compositions and strategy.


F0RGERY highlights the adaptability of the jungle role, citing various champion classes that have found success in the role throughout different metas, advocating for player flexibility.

Zealousideal_Bar1525 shares a tactical approach to countering mage junglers early game weaknesses, emphasizing the importance of understanding their tempo.

Final Thoughts

League of Legends jungle meta evolves constantly, challenging players to adapt. While some relish the diversity and strategic depth mages bring, others bemoan their dominance for stifling meta flexibility. As junglers navigate the shifting landscape, the debate rages on: is the reign of the mage jungler a boon or burden?