League of Legends: Imagining a World Without Ultimates

What if Riot Games removed all ultimates in League of Legends? We dive into this hypothetical situation and the community's reactions.

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Portal Staff

In a playful speculation thread posed on the League of Legends community forum, the idea of the game suddenly losing all its champion ultimates was embarked upon. User ShiningBrighteee plays around with the thought and others quickly jumped in with fervor over the hypothetical scrimmage. ‘


  • The prospect of Kassadin transformed into a mere ‘walking purple dude’ provides a chuckle to many, as shared by ShiningBrighteee.
  • Skarner, Yorick, Fiddlesticks, and Swain are proposed to suffer substantially in this hypothetical scenario by users logame3, ResistantPwnage, and xwads.
  • The thought of an ultimate-less Ryze is amusingly proposed as a potential buff by winwill, offering a humorously critical perspective of the champion’s current stature.
  • ElPartisanHack ponders those who might benefit from such changes, citing Darius, Udyr, and Jinx as possible contenders.

Not Just Purple Dude throwing Balls

The spectacle of Kassadin, stripped of his teleporting prowess and reduced to just hurling purple orbs, tickles VoyVolao, who quips that Kassadin would suddenly become a ‘cannon minion‘.

Champion transformations such as Shyvana’s dragon form are popularly notorious for their impact. ResistantPwnage humorously refers to Shyvana’s potential fate as becoming ‘boneless‘, referring to her identity as a dragon.

From Ultimate to None-timate?

Champions who rely profoundly on their ultimates for engagement like Fiddlesticks would not fare well. TwTvlLaatiMafia quips, ‘The champion is just the ult.

The Possibility of Strength

On the flip side, ElPartisanHack sees potent viability among characters like Darius, Udyr, and Jinx, suggesting they could thrive due to their less ultimate-reliant strategies. It is an ‘interesting thought’ that ‘slows down the game‘.

This playful hypothetical joust reminds us all how crucial the ultimate abilities are to the League of Legends experience—helping define champions, influence matches, and provide the most dramatic, game-changing moments that we all live for. Happy spell-slinging!