League of Legends: Is Quitting Ranked the Best Decision?

One player shares their experience of quitting League of Legends ranked mode and the positive impact it had on their life.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends: A player’s journey through addiction and liberation from the ranked mode.


  • The player quit League of Legends ranked mode after years of addiction.
  • They found a new balance in life with fresh opportunities and personal achievements.
  • Some Reddit comments emphasize the importance of moderation and personal responsibility in gaming habits.

Life Beyond Ranked

One player reflects on their decision to quit League of Legends ranked mode after years of dedication. They describe how this choice led to newfound opportunities and personal growth outside the game. From starting a new internship to exploring creative outlets, the player’s life has significantly improved post-departure from the competitive scene.

Reactions and Responses

Reddit users chimed in with varied perspectives on addiction and gaming habits. While some praised the player’s decision to prioritize their well-being, others emphasized the need for balance and self-awareness in gaming activities. Discussions ranged from personal accountability to the impact of game design on player behavior.

Lessons Learned

Ultimately, the player’s story serves as a cautionary tale and a source of inspiration for those navigating their relationship with online gaming. Finding a healthy balance between leisure and responsibility remains a key theme in the ongoing dialogue around digital entertainment.