League of Legends: KC Targamas Makes LEC History with 0 Kills

KC Targamas makes LEC history by completing a regular season with 0 kills. Fans react hilariously to this unique achievement.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, where kills and stats typically reign supreme, a player achieving something as bizarre as finishing an entire LEC regular season without a single kill is a rarity. The community reactions to KC Targamas’ unorthodox feat were a hilarious mix of disbelief and admiration.


  • Fans marvel at Targamas’ unprecedented achievement in finishing with 0 kills.
  • Debate arises on the significance of this stat and its impact on Targamas’ performance.
  • Comparisons to other players and discussions on the implications of such a stat in the league.

The Hero of 0 Kills

Many users praised Targamas for his unique accomplishment, hailing him as the ‘Pacifist’ of the league and lauding his selfless playstyle.

The Statistical Conundrum

Some debated the relevance of Targamas’ no-kill record, questioning whether champion pool and playstyle influenced the stat more than overall performance.

Community Speculations

Discussions arose regarding the implications of such a low kill count, with users reflecting on Targamas’ overall stats and the rarity of such an achievement in the league.

The League of Legends community showcased a mix of awe and amusement at Targamas’ record-breaking season, highlighting the diverse reactions within the community to unconventional player achievements. From humorous nicknames to insightful analyses, the discussion encapsulated the dynamic nature of fan engagement within the esports scene.