League of Legends: Mastering the Sleep Bubble Technique to Annoy Enemies

Discover the hilarious Sleep Bubble move that's driving League of Legends players crazy with annoyance!

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players on Reddit are buzzing about a player who has mastered the art of the Sleep Bubble to irritate their opponents.


  • Players love/hate the Sleep Bubble move for its annoyance factor.
  • It’s seen as a strategic play but can also be infuriating for opponents.
  • The move highlights the psychological aspect of gameplay in League of Legends.

Positive Sentiment: Skillful Trolling or Pure Annoyance?

The Reddit post showcasing the Sleep Bubble technique in League of Legends has sparked a mixed response from the community. Some players applaud the strategic prowess and creativity displayed by the player using the move, considering it a clever tactic that adds depth to the game. Others, however, express exasperation and sheer annoyance at the disruptive nature of the Sleep Bubble, viewing it as a form of virtual torture imposed on unsuspecting foes.

Insight into Player Reactions

Dragonatis praises the Brand player’s pause after the sleep effect, finding it hilariously effective. Vethedr, on the other hand, condemns the player, labeling them as a ‘monster’ for using such a frustrating tactic. RazzleMyNazzle humorously suggests putting the opponent to sleep in real life due to their prolonged contemplation during the gameplay.

Further Community Commentary

Kerthard muses about the possibility of the technique’s effectiveness with another champion’s ultimate ability. Trick_Ad7122 acknowledges the move’s potential to sway the outcome of entire lanes, emphasizing its level of annoyance and the lack of comeback options for targeted champions. Ddandyy empathizes with the Brand player’s hypothetical frustration, imagining themselves in the same situation.