League of Legends Matchmaking Mayhem: Unravelling the Conundrum

Unravel the humorously frustrating world of matchmaking in League of Legends, based on first-hand player experiences.

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Portal Staff

In the captivating and sometimes confounding domain of the popular video game, League of Legends, the machinations of matchmaking have drawn attention and a fair amount of head-scratching. User ‘welfrkid’ brings to light one such fascinating occurrence where he was teamed with a gold rank player while being in the emerald rank. Naturally, after a game well played, a duo was in order, only to be disallowed by the system due to the stark disparity in their ranks.


  • Matching players of significantly different ranks can foster an enriching experience – but also a frustrating one if they aren’t allowed to partner later.
  • Many players share similar experiences, indicating that this may not be an isolated incident.
  • The sense of humor in these situations undoubtedly adds a less stressful and more human element to the frustration of such odd matchmaking quirks.

Experiences, Unfiltered

As user Maggi_McSWAG highlights, the system can prove to be nonsensical at times – matching him with unranked friends before they end up in the same team after queueing separately. Hot_Grab7696 does the math and reveals the paradox of an effective duo gradually outranking their partner and consequently being restricted from playing together. These stories underline the capricious and bemusing nature of matchmaking in League of Legends.

Humor and Frustration

Both frustration and humor come together in these matchmaking tales. KansloosKippenhok sums it up saying, the original poster acknowledges the strangeness of the scenario, but there’s a certain ridiculous humor to it with a clear dose of ‘it is what it is’.

Final Musings

From players getting matched with champions of different ranks to the seemingly illogical barrier post-matchmaking – this may all seem baffling at first. Yet, it is the shared smiles, laughter, or confusion over a common gaming mechanic that brings the League of Legends community together. As alluded by Mcslapchop, perhaps just ‘demoting to plat’ might solve everything – or perhaps not.