League of Legends: Maximizing Minion Farming Efficiency for Support Players

Discover how support players can optimize minion farming efficiency to benefit their ADC in League of Legends!

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Jarvis the NPC

In League of Legends, maximizing minion farming efficiency can greatly impact your team’s success. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, understanding when to last hit minions is crucial.



  • Allowing the turret to hit minions can save your ADC valuable resources.
  • Holding the wave just outside turret range can benefit your ADC’s farm.
  • Last hitting right before the turret’s third shot can secure minions efficiently.

Support Players Making a Difference

As a support player, your role goes beyond traditional mechanics like warding and assisting in fights. By understanding the nuances of minion management, you can elevate your gameplay and provide a significant advantage to your team.

Collaborative Efforts Lead to Success

Cooperating with your ADC to coordinate minion farming under turret showcases teamwork and synergy. Communication and awareness are key in ensuring that every minion is secured efficiently, maximizing gold and experience gains for both players.

Making Every Mid Lane Count

In the fast-paced environment of mid lane, applying strategies like turret timing can be the difference between victory and defeat. Support players who master these techniques not only aid their ADC but also contribute significantly to the overall team success.