League of Legends: Most Hated Toplaners Revealed – Player Sentiments

Discover the top hated toplaners in League of Legends according to players. Find out why certain champions stir up so much frustration.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are discussing the most hated toplaners in the game. From Yorick to Illaoi and ranged tops, sentiments are running high.


  • Players despise facing ranged champions like Vayne and Teemo due to their oppressive laning presence.
  • Illaoi frustrates players with her tentacles and lack of engaging counterplay.
  • Tanky brawlers like Sett and Garen are loathed for their near-unkillable nature.
  • Darius and Camille also make the list for their challenging gameplay.

Ranged Tops: A Thorn in the Side

Many players express disdain for facing ranged champions, citing their ability to harass and dominate the laning phase. Vayne, Teemo, and Quinn are named as particularly irksome picks due to their poke-heavy playstyle.

The Illaoi Dilemma

Illaoi emerges as a polarizing figure, with players divided on her design. Some find her lack of counterplay frustrating, especially the reliance on dodging her tentacles for survival. Others appreciate her unique mechanics but acknowledge the challenge she presents.

Tanky Brawlers: Unkillable Foes

Sett, Garen, and other tanky brawlers evoke strong emotions from players. Their ability to soak up damage while dealing significant harm tests the patience of opponents. Facing these champions often leads to feelings of helplessness and frustration.

Darius and Camille: A Dreaded Duo

Players also voice their grievances against Darius and Camille for their oppressive laning presence and potent abilities. These champions are seen as frustrating to play against, regardless of one’s performance in the matchup.