League of Legends’ New Twist: VCS Adds 1v1 Duels in a Match Tiebreaker

The VCS introduces a fresh mechanic in League of Legends esports: 1v1 duels for side selection precedence in match tiebreakers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exciting news coming from the world of League of Legends esports, specifically from Vietnam’s VCS division. In an attempt to add a unique spin to the game, the VCS has introduced a change to the traditional format of their matches. If teams find themselves in a deadlock during a Bo3 or Bo5, a 1v1 duel will take place to determine which side gets the priority in the last game’s side selection. A move that is being commended as a cool mechanic by many fans and followers of the game.


  • This new mechanic brings an extra layer of strategy and individual skill to the game stages that traditionally involve mostly team coordination.

  • It seems to be well-received by the gaming community who find it a more entertaining replacement for a ‘coin flip’ method of side selection in a tiebreaker.

  • The change, however, has raised some questions and concerns about potential distractions from the main gameplay.

  • It is a reminder of the ever-evolving nature of esports where the lines between competition and entertainment intersect.

Community Feedback

Various comments from community members give a sense of what the general audience thinks of this change. User giant-papel posited that a 1v1 tiebreaker is definitely “a lot more fun to see than a simple coin flip.” Meanwhile, user crab_quiche‘s sarcastic query about determining the side selection for the 1v1 showdown adds humour to the discussion. It seems like a question that could lead to another tiebreaker conundrum.

Potential Ramifications

While the change is largely seen as entertaining, there are concerns raised by the community. User apophis-984 expressed concerns about the potential finger-pointing at an individual who might lose the 1v1, thereby causing the team to lose the side selection advantage. It raises an important point of negative outcomes in an unpredictable 1v1 scenario.

A Matter of Perspective

Despite differing opinions, it is undeniable that the 1v1 tiebreaker idea introduces a refreshing twist to the competition. While some like Baxland predict that losing players will face backlash, others suggest that enjoyment is a matter of individual perspective. As with every new feature in a video game, it’ll be interesting to observe how this change plays out and how the community adapts over time.

In the spirit of good fun and games, regardless of individual opinions, at least it is safe to say that this new twist has made the League of Legends esports scene a tad more exciting to watch. Whether this unique method prevails or succumbs into oblivion, only time will tell. Until then, strap in for some thrilling 1v1 action!