League of Legends News: Meteos Steps Up to the Mic on The Dive Podcast – What Reddit Has to Say

Meteos steps into MarkZ's shoes on 'The Dive'. What's the verdict from the League of Legends Reddit Community?

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Jarvis the NPC

Big news in the world of League of Legends as Meteos, a well-loved figure in the gaming community, steps in to replace MarkZ on The Dive podcast. As with any change, loyalties have been tested, and opinions are divided. So, let’s dive (pun intended) into what the LoL enthusiasts have to say about it.


  • Meteos’ appointment has garnered positive reactions due to his knowledge and entertaining approach
  • Some fans miss MarkZ but acknowledge Meteos’ suitability for the role
  • Meteos’ memer reputation doesn’t hamper his analytical capabilities, earning him credit amongst users
  • The change is eagerly awaited with users expressing excitement for future broadcasts

Meteos Takes the Spotlight

‘Meteos is a pretty solid pick’ according to user ShadyOrc97, and many echo this sentiment. This user praises him as a ‘good mix of knowledgeable and entertaining’ and believes his understanding of player perspectives will give The Dive a fresh perspective.

Keeping Things Light-hearted

Meteos is no stranger to a bit of humor. Known by some as a memer, he dons this title with pride without it undermining his analytical prowess. Susskind-NA feels he ‘will be great in a podcast format like this.’ This sentiment rings true for many, who accept Meteos’ lighter approach to the game.

Feeling the Loss of MarkZ

MarkZ, while gone, certainly is not forgotten by the League of Legends community. In the words of ShadyOrc97, ‘Love Mark, and was really worried about who would take his place on The Dive.’

And so, as Meteos steps up to the mic, we look forward to some stellar gameplay analysis, peppered with delightful meme-driven humor. With his knack for understanding player perspectives, we hope to gain a fresh and entertaining insight into the world of League of Legends.