League of Legends: Noway4u’s Matchmaking Rant Sparks Community Outcry

Noway4u's explosive reaction to League of Legends matchmaking has the community buzzing with discontent.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends community is in flames after Noway4u’s righteous outburst against the unbalanced matchmaking system, igniting a wildfire of frustrations among players who share his sentiments. The post, shared by Chase2511, sheds light on the ongoing turmoil within the game’s competitive scene.


  • High elo players express outrage at the imbalance in matchmaking, citing significant disparities between team compositions.
  • Red side MMR advantage in high ranks leads to unfair matchups, causing frustration and dissatisfaction among top-tier players.
  • Players call out Riot Games for failing to address critical issues within the matchmaking algorithm, highlighting the impact on game quality and player experience.

Players’ Frustrations

Noway4u’s reaction resonated with many players who have long endured the frustrations of facing unbalanced teams. User xChrisMas noted, “I havent seen Noway rage like that in a LOOONG time. He has to be onto something.” This sentiment was echoed by Athasos, who remarked on Noway’s rare display of anger, signifying the severity of the situation.

MMR Disparities in High Elo

User itaicool highlighted the issue of Red Side’s higher MMR advantage in high elo, emphasizing the drastic win rate differences and the prevalent imbalance in gameplay. AnswerAi_ shared similar sentiments, expressing the challenges faced by high-ranked players due to the overwhelming skill gaps between Master, GM, and Challenger tiers.

Matchmaking Concerns

Player Javonetor analyzed a specific match disparity, showcasing the significant LP differences between blue and red side players across various roles. This disparity, coupled with off-role assignments, highlighted the imbalance in team compositions, reinforcing the community’s dissatisfaction with the current matchmaking system.

As the community continues to voice their concerns over the state of matchmaking in League of Legends, the uproar sparked by Noway4u’s emotional outburst reflects a broader sentiment of discontent among high elo players. The call for Riot Games to address these issues and strive for a more balanced and equitable gameplay experience grows louder with each unbalanced match.