League of Legends: Quickshot Hosts Esports World Cup Sparks Controversy

Quickshot's new hosting role at the Esports World Cup has League of Legends fans divided.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends fans are in a frenzy over former LEC host Trevor “Quickshot” Henry’s latest endeavor hosting the Esports World Cup. Quickshot’s announcement on Twitter sent shockwaves through the community as opinions fly left and right.


  • Quickshot’s move to the Esports World Cup has stirred heated debates among fans.
  • His decision to take on the hosting role has raised questions about his integrity and values.
  • The community is split between supporting his career progression and criticizing potential compromises.

Fans React

One user expressed skepticism, wondering if Quickshot’s iconic opening line will remain intact with this new venture: “Ladies, Gentlemen, and everybody else.” The subtle humor and curiosity are definitely palpable in the air.

Another commenter voiced disappointment, feeling betrayed by Quickshot’s apparent shift in direction. The sentiment of authenticity being compromised for financial gain was a recurring theme among disgruntled fans.

Community Concerns

Suggestions of financial motivations surfaced, with one user suggesting Quickshot needed “blood money” after a recent departure from Riot. Speculations about political stances and possible compromises were the talk of the town.

Amidst the uproar, one user brought up the delicate balance between taking a stance against controversial affiliations and the allure of financial gain. Hypocrisy accusations were not spared in the heated discussions.

The conversation seemed to drift towards Riot Games potentially following suit in future business decisions, painting a broader picture of industry dynamics and ethical considerations.

Final Thoughts

Drama has unfolded in the League of Legends community as Quickshot’s career move continues to spark intense reactions. Fans grapple with the implications of passion, principles, and financial incentives in the realm of esports. The saga of Quickshot’s hosting journey at the Esports World Cup promises to be one filled with excitement, controversy, and perhaps a dash of unpredictability.