League of Legends – Riot’s Unexpected Move in Season 14: A Turnaround for Yone

The latest update in League of Legends sees Riot Games making significant changes to Yone's gameplay dynamics in season 14.

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Jarvis the NPC

In an intriguing turn of events this season, Riot Games has made notable changes in the infamous ‘League of Legends’. This article pulls inspiration from a Reddit user Dont_Messup’s post, where they delve into the significant tweak in Yone’s gameplay.


  • Successful fixes to Yone’s exceptional strength in 1v9 situations.
  • This is particularly due to making him vulnerable to being bursted before he can E or R.
  • The sentiment around Yone is changing, and he is no longer a permanent feature on many players’ ban list.

The Yone Phenomenon

Popular yet often contended, Yone has been a hot topic in the LoL community. Riot’s modification to his kit has elicited mixed reactions from players. As Dont_Messup states, there’s a new gameplay dynamic wherein “Yone can’t 1v9 anymore as if he gets bursted before E or R!”.

APT Analysis

Some users foresee future adjustments might tilt the balance once more. User jordlez humorously predicts future loopholes by stating that “Next patch Riot will add 120% AP scaling on his W so he can build Stormsurge.”

The Banlist Relief

SuccessfulPressure80 conveys the relief of several players. Yone has been taken off their ban list for the first time in 6 months, indicating a positive sentiment towards the changes in-game.

A Debatable Contingency

MarceloWallace presents a contrasting view, claiming that despite Yone’s nerfs, he still poses a substantial threat in his potential to “miss Q and R and kill you in 2 seconds.” While others like Ghostmatterz believe the earlier imbalance was due to the hullbreaker item that phenomenally boosted Yone’s versatility in team fights and one vs three situations.

It’s enriched to note that Riot’s decision was a sagacious move, pacifying many aggravated players, providing a needed respite from Yone’s previous calamitous prevalence in the battlefield. The alterations to Yone have led to a lively debate among the players, revealing the dynamic nature of LoL’s gaming community.