League of Legends: Rogue vs. GIANTX LEC 2024 Summer Week 4 Post-Match Discussion

Delve into the hilarious and heartbreaking reactions from the League of Legends community to Rogue's defeat against GIANTX in LEC 2024 Summer.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends enthusiasts are abuzz with discussions surrounding the post-match outcome between Rogue and GIANTX in LEC 2024 Summer. The match showcased compelling gameplay that divided the community into a frenzy.


  • The unconventional strategies employed by Rogue led to a mix of admiration and disappointment among fans.
  • Player performance, particularly Comp’s struggles, became a focal point of criticism.
  • The community expressed both amusement and sympathy towards key moments in the match, such as Antonio’s rejected high five.

Rogue’s Flank and Comp’s Downfall

Community members hilariously dubbed Finn’s flank as the ‘walking simulator,’ hinting at its lackluster impact during the game. Comp’s Ezreal failed to deliver, resulting in widespread frustration.

Player Critiques and Team Dynamics

Comments highlighted discontent towards Comp’s performance, with some questioning his value to the team. Discussions on shotcalling responsibilities within Rogue sparked curiosity among fans.

Draft Choices and Game Missteps

Community critique focused on Rogue’s draft decisions, with particular emphasis on their vulnerability to GIANTX’s composition. Fans expressed disbelief at certain gameplay moments, adding to the overall excitement and disappointment surrounding the match.

The vivid reactions seen on the subreddit captured the emotional rollercoaster experienced by the League of Legends community, showcasing the passion and investment fans have for the game.