League of Legends: Rogue vs. Team Heretics LEC 2024 Summer Week 3 Analysis

Exploring the intense match between Rogue and Team Heretics in the LEC 2024 Summer Week 3 and the community's reactions.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends fans are buzzing about the recent showdown between Rogue and Team Heretics in the LEC 2024 Summer Week 3. The match outcome sparked a range of emotions and discussions among viewers, as seen in the following Reddit post.


  • Fans are amazed by Rogue’s swift Baron play against Team Heretics.
  • The competition in the league remains fierce with many teams still in contention.
  • The community humorously compares Rogue’s victory to beating G2.

Excitement Over the Match

One user expressed shock at Rogue’s sudden baron capture while Team Heretics were pushing inhibitors: “wtf? Team Heretics were pushing on the Inhibs, I went downstairs to get a drink and by the time I was back Rogue had baron and were pushing on enemy inhib?”

Analysis of Team Performances

Another user joked about Rogue’s victory, suggesting they couldn’t defeat G2, so they settled for beating G3. This lighthearted take adds a touch of humor to the competition.

Community Speculations

Users are speculating about the possibilities of upsets in the league, with one comment highlighting the chances of a team securing the last spot continuously, fueling the unpredictability of the matches.

Overall, the League of Legends community is abuzz with discussions and banter following the intense match between Rogue and Team Heretics. The thrilling gameplay and unexpected turns have left fans eagerly anticipating future matches and showcasing the passionate energy within the community.