League of Legends: Secrets Revealed – How Players Handle Their Rage

Discover hilarious rage techniques LoL players use to cope with frustration in-game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Do you ever find yourself raging while playing League of Legends? You’re not alone! Players have quirky ways to vent their frustrations. Check out how the community deals with anger!


  • Players showcase a wide range of responses to anger from gardening to slamming desks.
  • Some opt for peaceful approaches like trying to be a team’s peacekeeper.
  • Others find unique outlets outside of the game, from drawing to visiting orphanages.

Rage Techniques Unveiled

It seems players in the League of Legends community have innovative ways to handle their frustration when the game gets tough. Instead of just smashing keyboards, they have taken a creative approach to managing their anger. One user, PhenomenEdits, shared how he learned the art of staying calm from Overwatch and now focuses on being a positive influence in his team, regardless of the game’s outcome.

On the other hand, some players like katsuatis find solace in gardening, highlighting the therapeutic benefits of touching grass. This unusual rage technique offers a refreshing perspective on dealing with stress during intense gaming sessions.

Innovative Coping Mechanisms

Another interesting response comes from DestinyMlGBro, who humorously mentions redirecting his frustrations to the local orphanage or retirement home, proving that humor can be a unique coping mechanism for anger. Additionally, JojoStanz’s lighthearted approach of combining weed with gameplay showcases how a relaxed mindset can enhance focus and prevent getting tilted easily.

For those seeking a more hands-on approach, s1mple10’s strategy of desk slamming acts as a physical release without resorting to tears, demonstrating the range of tactics players employ to manage their emotions.