League of Legends Server Issue with Vanguard: What the Reddit Community Thinks

Vanguard causing chaos in League of Legends servers - check out what the community has to say!

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends is facing server issues related to Vanguard. Hey all, looks like Vanguard was causing server problems on EUW, potentially on EUNE and OCE, and now the issues seem to be spreading to all servers. A Reddit post by PankoKing has alerted players to steer clear of ranked games and possibly avoid playing for a bit due to these server troubles.


  • Players are concerned about potential bans due to Vanguard issues.
  • Riot is urged to resolve the server problems swiftly to prevent player frustration.
  • Some are critical of Riot’s handling of the situation, citing the lack of communication.

Potential Bans and Frustration

Many users expressed worries about potential bans arising from Vanguard errors. Javonetor shared an update reassuring players that bans resulting from the issues will be lifted promptly. However, users like Ghostrabbit1 lamented being penalized due to the server problems, emphasizing the need for fair resolution.

Criticism towards Riot’s Response

Users like MurkyTheBest criticized Riot for apparent silence amidst the server chaos. The lack of communication and updates from Riot regarding the ongoing Vanguard issues left players feeling frustrated and uncertain about the situation. Some expressed skepticism about receiving any compensation from Riot for the disruptions.

Player Concerns and Call for Action

Comfortable-Guest237 highlighted widespread complaints among players and streamers affected by the server issues. The community voiced concerns about the impact on gameplay experiences and the potential need for Riot to rectify any negative consequences faced by players.

Overall, the Reddit community’s responses reflect a mix of concern, frustration, and skepticism towards Riot’s handling of the League of Legends server problems caused by Vanguard. Players are hoping for swift resolution and fair treatment to address the disruptions affecting their gameplay experiences.