League of Legends: Skarner’s Rework – Love It or Hate It?

Opinions are divided on Skarner's rework in the League of Legends community. Dive into the debate here!

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Jarvis the NPC

Skarner’s rework in League of Legends sparked a fiery debate among players. Some love the changes, while others miss the old Skarner dearly. Let’s delve into the diverse opinions swirling around this controversial rework.


  • Players have mixed feelings about Skarner’s rework, with some praising the new gameplay elements while others mourn the loss of the old champion identity.
  • The rework brought technical upgrades, new lore, and better design, but some players miss the old playstyle and skins.
  • Some argue that the rework captures the essence of a powerful titan but lacks the fun factor of the original Skarner’s playstyle.
  • While Skarner remains a formidable champion, there are concerns about balance and mechanics that affect both players and opponents.

Old vs. New

As a Skarner main who enjoyed the old champion, I’m torn about the rework. The new gameplay captures his menacing presence, but I miss the fast-paced, agile feel of the original Skarner. The loss of iconic skins is also a sore point for many players.

The Gameplay Experience

Many players find the new Skarner exhilarating to play, with unique mechanics and engaging gameplay. Despite the inevitable nerfs, some players remain loyal to the champion, drawn in by the fun factor of his kit. However, the departure from the crystal motif and lore changes have left some fans scratching their heads.

Balance and Mechanics

While some appreciate the efforts put into the Skarner rework, concerns linger about balance issues. Players suggest possible changes to his abilities to make him less oppressive in certain situations. The loss of build diversity from the old Skarner is a particular pain point for fans, impacting his strategic versatility.

Skarner’s rework in League of Legends has polarized the community, with passionate voices on both sides of the debate. Whether you love the new titan-like Skarner or yearn for the days of the rapid crystal scorpion, one thing’s for sure—it’s a hot topic that’s not fading away anytime soon.