League of Legends: Taking a Break from the Solo/Duo Queue Chaos

What do League of Legends players truly appreciate when stepping away from the Solo/DuoQ grind? Let's dive into their unfiltered thoughts!

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the reprieve from the League of Legends Solo/Duo Queue madness, players share what they don’t miss during their break.


  • Players value the absence of toxic teammates and stressful ranked experiences.
  • Switching to ARAM or normal queue for fun builds enhances the game’s enjoyment.
  • A break from the competitive environment offers a refreshing perspective on gameplay.

Players’ Relief from Toxicity

One player expressed relief from dealing with teammates who refuse to play safe, leading to constant deaths and frustration. Another highlighted the misery of queuing up with individuals who dislike the game, making it unnecessarily challenging.

Embracing Fun and Variety

Some players find solace in setting aside ranked matches to explore alternative modes like ARAM or experimenting with fun builds in normal games. This shift in focus from winning to enjoyment revitalizes their gameplay experience.

A New Perspective on Competition

Choosing to take a break from the competitive intensity of ranked matches, players rediscover the joy of playing casually and embracing the game for its entertainment value rather than pure victory.