League of Legends: Team Liquid’s Pride Jerseys at EWC in Riyadh Sparks Controversy

Team Liquid's Pride jerseys at EWC in Riyadh stir heated debate among fans over ethics and human rights.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, Team Liquid’s decision to wear Pride jerseys at EWC in Riyadh has ignited a firestorm of debate among fans. Some applaud the move, while others criticize the ethics behind it. Let’s delve deeper into the discussion.


  • Fans are divided on Team Liquid’s choice to wear Pride jerseys in Riyadh.
  • Some see it as a positive step towards inclusivity and support for the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Others argue it is a form of virtue signaling and sports washing given the event’s location.
  • The debate raises larger questions about ethics, human rights, and the intersection of sports and politics.

Team Unity

Team Unity reflects the sentiment of many fans who view the Pride jerseys as a symbol of solidarity and inclusivity within the gaming community. The visible support for LGBTQ+ rights resonates with those who value diversity and representation in esports.

Ethical Dilemma

On the flip side, critics point to the complexities of accepting endorsement from a country with controversial human rights practices. The notion of prioritizing financial gains over ethical considerations sparks outrage and calls for accountability.

Virtue Signaling

Some fans express skepticism towards the authenticity of Team Liquid’s gesture, labeling it as mere virtue signaling. The debate questions the motives behind the public display of support and whether it truly aligns with the organization’s values.

In the midst of these differing perspectives, the discussion around Team Liquid’s Pride jerseys at EWC in Riyadh sheds light on the intricate relationship between sports, ethics, and social responsibility within the gaming community.