League of Legends: The Evolution of Champion Roles

Discover how League champions have evolved from their original design in this engaging Reddit discussion!

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends champions have undergone unexpected transformations from their initial concepts. Let’s delve into the surprising roles some champions ended up in, sparking player reactions and analytical insights.


  • Original champion designs often differed drastically from their current roles.
  • Riot’s evolving champion concepts have led to unique gameplay experiences.
  • Community discussions shed light on the historical development of League champions.

Vayne’s Unconventional Journey

Exploring Vayne’s shift from a midlane AD assassin to a botlane and toplane hypercarry showcases Riot’s evolving design philosophy. Players discuss the impact of these changes and reflect on Riot’s historical champion development approach.

Champion Role Confusion

From Blitzcrank intended as a toplane bruiser to Vi originally slated for toplane, numerous champions have defied initial design intentions. The community reflects on these deviations and the resulting gameplay dynamics.

Design Challenges and Evolution

Pyke’s design adjustments, Vi’s transition to a jungler, and Nautilus intended for the jungle highlight the constant evolution of League champion roles. Players analyze the impact of these changes and their implications on gameplay diversity.

The League of Legends community’s discussions on champion roles shed light on Riot’s dynamic design process and the ongoing evolution of gameplay experiences. Through champion deviations from their original roles, players witness the intricate development of League’s diverse roster, sparking continuous debates and insights.