League of Legends: The Problem with Zed Taking Teleport – Opinions and Insights

Explore the controversy around Zed using Teleport in League of Legends and the community's diverse opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are debating whether champions like Zed taking Teleport is causing imbalance in the game. Let’s delve into the insights and opinions shared on Reddit.


  • Teleport’s prevalence on Zed raises concerns about game balance and strategy
  • The versatility of Teleport offers advantages both in laning phase and macro gameplay
  • Players highlight the impact of Teleport on mid lane dynamics and champion choices

The Teleport Debate

Teleport’s dominance in high elo games has led to a shift in champion summoner spell preferences. While TP offers strategic advantages, its impact on gameplay dynamics has sparked a lively debate among players. Some argue that Teleport’s utility undermines aggressive playstyles and punishes players less for mistakes, advocating for adjustments to promote diverse gameplay strategies

Zed’s Unique Case

Zed’s adoption of Teleport raises questions about the spell’s influence on different champions’ strengths and weaknesses. Players discuss whether Zed’s scaling nature justifies his Teleport choice and how it reflects broader game trends

The Ignite vs. Teleport Dilemma

Comparisons between Ignite and Teleport shed light on the trade-offs between early lane pressure and late-game macro opportunities. The community debates the strategic implications of these summoner spell choices and their impact on overall game balance

League of Legends continues to evolve as players navigate the intricate balance of summoner spells and strategic gameplay. The discussion surrounding Zed’s Teleport usage exemplifies the ongoing dialogue within the community on game balance and diversity