League of Legends: The Rylai’s Permaslow Debate – Is It Ruining Fun?

Is Rylai's permaslow making League of Legends gameplay unenjoyable for many players? Dive into the debate here!

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are expressing frustration towards Rylai’s permaslow, calling for its removal. Do these slows truly hinder gameplay?


  • Players feel Rylai’s permaslow negatively impacts melee champions’ mobility.
  • Some suggest buffing champions if Rylai’s is removed, raising balance concerns.
  • Others defend Rylai’s, citing its importance for battlemages and AOE abilities.

The Divide in Sentiments

Some users, like “Quatro_Leches,” argue Rylai’s permaslow removes the fun from games, especially for melee champions. They believe it leads to a stagnant gameplay experience with little counterplay.

On the other hand, “Galilleon” defends Rylai’s, stating that it serves a crucial role in enabling battlemages to excel. They argue that removing Rylai’s would not significantly change the gameplay dynamic, as champions would be adjusted accordingly.

Nostalgia and Evolution

“zZzMudkipzzZ” reminisces about a time when Rylai’s offered 100 AP, highlighting the item’s evolution over time. This sentiment reflects how players’ perspectives on Rylai’s have shifted with game updates and meta changes.

Proposed Solutions

Some users suggest alternatives to outright removal, such as “Bio-Grad” proposing a normalization of Rylai’s slow effect duration. These discussions showcase the community’s desire for a balanced gameplay experience while retaining the item’s essence.