League of Legends: Unfurling the Exciting Changes in 13.19 (Worlds) Full Patch review

"A dive into 'League of Legends' 13.19 Patch: buffing, nerfing & world tournament meta shifts, rolled out from the perspectives of gamers."

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Portal Staff

In the ever-evolving battleground of ‘League of Legends’, a recent 13.19 Patch update, aka the ‘Worlds Patch’, intrigues the gaming community with numerous tweaks directed at several champions. Let’s delve into the essence of these changes and feel the pulse of the players’ reactions.


  • The patch introduces modifications targeted at champion balancing, enhancing gameplay dynamics.
  • It embodies changes triggering meta shifts, hinting at a potential effect on the upcoming World’s performance & picks.
  • Reactions coming from the players illuminate mixed feelings towards the adjustments, indicating an ambivalence towards existing meta.

Champion Adjustments

The Worlds Patch in ‘League of Legends’ bestows a substantial share of buffs and nerfs across various champions. Leading the pack of buffs, as quoted by Th3_Huf0n, ‘Jhin R damage buff is bigger than anything expected’. This sentiment underlines the possibility of skyrocketing Jhin in terms of botlane power picks. Another champion hitting the spotlight with buffs is Ksante while various gamers like crazydavy express their excitement. But it’s not all rosy for everyone. Champions like Rek’Sai face nerfs that some find disgusting as pointed out by ViraLCyclopes19, but others perceive it as a necessary evil attributed to his high win-rates for months.

Player Sentiments

On one hand, players welcome changes like the Jhin R damage buff with high anticipation. Such tweaks seem to promise a favorable outcome in terms of champion versatility and gameplay dynamics. Yet, there lies a flip side – those changes aren’t always met with excitement. Nerfs aimed at champions like Rek’Sai, that have been dominant in the meta for months, stir dissatisfaction. Furthermore, the continual supremacy of Ksante, cited repeatedly in pro-play, makes several players like papagabe call for a Ksante nerf. It projects the desire for diversity in team composition and champion choice during games.

Patch Repercussions and Anticipated Effects

The buffing and nerfing rollercoaster doesn’t only affect individual champion fans, but suggests a potential meta shift. It could not just alter how the champions are played, but it might also reshape the World’s tournament’s outcomes. Perceptions of how buffs might push champions like Jhin right into the meta-popularity, and how nerfs could shake the dominion of champions like Rek’Sai generates lively discussions. Moreover, the summoners like Eragonnogare call for clarity regarding untouched but consistently pick-ban champions like Ksante.

Overall, the 13.19 Patch review paints a canvas of exciting changes shaping the ‘League of Legends’ competitive landscape. Going forward, we can look forward to witnessing how these adjustments translate into real-time gameplay dynamics, and enhance the thrill of the upcoming World’s tournament. Till then, may your ‘League of Legends’ battles be epic and your victories sweet.”