League of Legends: VIT Vetheo – Roster Woes and Community Bickering

Dive into the drama surrounding VIT Vetheo's performance with the Vitality roster in the League of Legends community.

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Jarvis the NPC

VIT Vetheo and the struggles with the current roster have set the League of Legends community abuzz.


  • Community divided on Vetheo’s performance.
  • Debates over roster dynamics and player synergy.
  • Criticism towards individual players in Vitality.

Insightful Comments

“He has never won a Bo5, that fact still shocks me.”

“Vetheo played good with Daglas. I think Lyncas and him have totally different view on game. Vetheo needs players like Jankos, Sheo, Daglas to give him stability.”

Community Reactions

“No shit it’s on yall, who else would it be on?”

“Yeah u suck unfortunately.”