League of Legends: What Champion Makes You Hate the Game?

Find out which League of Legends champions players absolutely despise and why.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, there are champions that players absolutely love and champions that they absolutely despise. One Reddit user, FATTYxFiiSTER, recently posed the question, ‘What champion makes you hate the game?’ The responses poured in, and it’s clear that there are a few champions that invoke a passionate hatred among players.


  • Dr. Mundo: Unkillable and frustratingly tanky.
  • Illaoi: A jungle main’s worst nightmare in top lane.
  • Zac: A tank who can burst you down while you’re unable to move.
  • Yone: Punishes players for any mistakes and snowballs out of control.

The Champions That Haunt Our Dreams

Dr. Mundo is the first champion that players love to hate. One commenter, TheBestBronze, echoed this sentiment, stating, ‘Last few games I faced a Mundo, nobody could kill him. I swear he took 13,000 damage in a fight.’ The sheer tankiness of Dr. Mundo seems to frustrate players, leaving them feeling helpless.

Another champion that players despise is Illaoi. CHUGCHUGPICKLE, a jungle main, explains, ‘If I see her on the enemy team, I know I can’t go near top lane. All the durability of Sett with a huuuuuge kit.’ Illaoi’s ability to dominate top lane and her relentless durability make her a force to be reckoned with.

Zac, the tank who jumps you from Narnia, is another champion that induces anger. According to zuth2, Zac can burst you down without building damage items, leaving you unable to move and feeling completely powerless. For ADC players, this is a definition of an anti-fun champion.

Lastly, Yone is a champion that players hate due to his ability to punish mistakes and snowball. Odinnadtsatiy highlights this, saying, ‘You can defeat him in the lane, send him to the fountain over and over again, but if you make one mistake, he issues a procast, immobilizing you for a million seconds and starts snowballing.’ Yone’s incredible durability and simplicity can quickly turn the tides of a game in his favor.


In the realm of League of Legends, frustration is inevitable. Certain champions seem to bring out the worst in players, whether it’s their sheer tankiness, dominating presence in a specific lane, or their ability to punish mistakes. Dr. Mundo, Illaoi, Zac, and Yone have all been identified as the champions that players absolutely despise. It’s clear that these champions possess traits that make them frustrating to play against and often leave players feeling helpless. Whether it’s facing an unkillable Mundo, avoiding top lane due to unforgiving Illaoi, being burst down by Zac, or feeling punished by Yone, these champions have certainly etched their names into the halls of the most hated champions in League of Legends.