League of Legends: What’s the Deal With Runes?

Discover the weirdness of Runes in League of Legends! Players share changes and suggestions. Join the conversation!

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are diving deep into the world of Runes, exploring the quirks and mysteries that lie within this crucial gameplay aspect.


  • Players express frustrations with the lack of diversity and impact of certain Runes.
  • Suggestions for streamlining the Rune system to enhance player experience.
  • Debate on the necessity and effectiveness of certain Runes in the game.

Runes Are Confusing

Many players find the current Rune system in League of Legends confusing and in need of an overhaul. Some criticize the lack of meaningful choices and the dominance of certain Runes.

Impact of Attack Speed

Discussions around the importance of Attack Speed in Runes spark debates on game balance and champion viability. Some argue for more variety in the Attack Speed options for better customization.

Rune Overload

Players express frustration at the overwhelming number of Runes available, questioning the necessity of so many options and the true extent of personalization they offer.

Rune Revolution

Suggestions for a Rune rework flood the comments section, with players offering innovative ideas to improve the system and make it more engaging for all.