League of Legends: Which Champion Surprises You the Most About Its Difficulty?

Discover why some League of Legends champions are more challenging than meets the eye.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered which League of Legends champion surprises players the most with its difficulty level? Let’s dive into the community discussions to find out!


  • Rengar’s difficulty level varies greatly across different skill tiers, with notable disparities in winrates.
  • Master Yi is highlighted as another champion that poses unexpected challenges against coordinated teams.
  • Players struggle with champions like Riven, Azir, Katarina, and immobile mages due to their nuanced mechanics and gameplay requirements.

Rengar’s Elusiveness

Users comment on Rengar’s deceiving complexity, with some achieving high winrates while others seem perplexed by his mechanics.

Master Yi’s Struggles

The discussion shifts to Master Yi’s dependence on resets and vulnerabilities in team fights, presenting a different set of challenges.

Champions With High Skill Ceilings

Players express difficulties with champions like Riven, Azir, Katarina, and immobile mages due to specific skill demands and strategic nuances.

Each champion brings a unique set of challenges, showcasing the diversity of gameplay experiences in League of Legends.