League of Legends: Who Are Your Favorite Tanks to Play in ARAM?

Discover why Shen is becoming a fan favorite tank in ARAM and join the conversation on tank choices and build strategies in League of Legends!

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Jarvis the NPC

Discover why Shen is becoming a fan favorite tank in ARAM! Read on to find out why players adore Shen and other tanks in this League of Legends game mode.


  • Shen is gaining popularity as a top pick for ARAM tanks due to his playstyle and versatility.
  • Players discuss their favorite tanks, such as Leona, Sejuani, Braum, and more, revealing diverse preferences.
  • Build strategies vary from full AP Malphite to tanky items like Heartsteel and Fimbulwinter, showcasing different approaches to tanking.
  • Opinions on tank tiers and roles in ARAM spark debates and highlight the importance of team composition.

Shen’s Rising Popularity

Players on the subreddit are singing Shen’s praises, highlighting his ability to fulfill various tanking roles effectively. His versatility in soaking damage, making plays, and saving teammates with clutch ultimates have endeared him to many ARAM enthusiasts.

Fan Favorites and Build Strategies

From Leona’s reliable engage tools to Nunu’s disruptive playstyle, players have a diverse range of tank preferences. Some opt for full AP builds like Malphite, while others prioritize survivability with items like Heartsteel and Fimbulwinter.

Debates on Tank Roles

The community’s discussions on tank tiers, such as S+ picks like Shen and Braum, offer insights into the evolving meta of ARAM. Players share their opinions on tank, bruiser, ADC, mage, assassin, and support roles, illustrating the varied playstyles in the game mode.

Ultimately, ARAM tank selection and builds reflect players’ individual preferences and strategies, influencing team dynamics and gameplay experiences. As the meta continues to shift, champions like Shen will likely maintain their popularity among dedicated ARAM players, creating exciting and engaging matches for all participants.