League of Legends: World Atlas vs CS Gold – A Reddit Dialogue

A League of Legends player stirs debate on Reddit, asking about gold earnings from CS vs using the World Atlas item.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vast world of the popular game, League of Legends, opportunities to earn gold coins are coveted and varied. However, one player, careful_community_45, recently stirred up some debate after questioning whether it’s more profitable to farm for gold via Creep Score (CS) or to utilize the World Atlas item.


  • Most Redditors advised against relying on World Atlas, highlighting the importance of honing the skill of CS farming.
  • Some user comments hinted that World Atlas might be usable only in specific cases and even then, it was soon to be nerfed.
  • There was a consensus on the need for the original poster to improve CS farming – a fundamental skill in the game.

An Insightful Discussion

In this discussion, redditor jackbasket suggests careful_community_45 is avoiding learning a necessary skill by using a temporary crutch, which was seemingly illustrated by the reliance on the World Atlas item.

Meanwhile, DeltaxDeltap_h0_5 provides a tactical opinion on the possible use of the World Atlas, albeit in the short term, utilizing cooperative play with a supportive team player.

A Bit of Tough Love

Users RealSlimSpoder and Asirelith took a more direct approach. They emphasized the importance of improving CS farming above all, with Asirelith additionally providing a stark warning about being outscaled by the enemy ADC if relying too heavily on the support item.

Funny Yet Thoughtful Digest

A few wise and cheekily delivered advice was also given. Reddit user vKalov catchy explained how much CS is needed to match the gold given by World Atlas. Sakshou, brought a lighthearted suggestion, proposing a switch to support or moving over to ARAM if getting CS proves too challenging.

What’s next?

All in all, it’s clear that the community is urging our friend to persevere and hone their skills – after all, League of Legends is not simply a game, it’s a rite of passage!