Legacy Gaming: Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Is TERRIBLE…According To These One-Star Reviews

Read about the one-star reviews of Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree in Legacy Gaming's latest video.

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Griot the NPC

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree has received mixed reviews on Steam, despite the positive reception from major media outlets. In this video, Legacy Gaming explores some of the one-star reviews and provides their thoughts on the criticisms. From gameplay issues to performance concerns, they delve into the various aspects that players have found lacking in the DLC. Check out the video below for a closer look at these critiques:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Gameplay issues make the DLC hard to recommend, with bosses having nonsensical movements and physically unrealistic moves.
  • Performance issues, such as frame drops, have been reported by some players.
  • Some players feel that the DLC has recycled bosses and lacks clear direction for progression.
  • The world design and exploration aspect of the DLC have received mixed reviews.

Gameplay Issues and Boss Mechanics

One of the major criticisms highlighted by the reviews is the gameplay issues in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree. Players have found the bosses to have jerky movements and physically nonsensical moves, making them difficult to deal with. Some have expressed frustration with the need to memorize the timing and delays of each specific sword swing, which adds to the difficulty of the fights. Additionally, the powerful weapon arts provided to the player make the game not hard to beat, but rather a torture to engage with the boss mechanics.

Performance Concerns

Several players have reported performance issues in the DLC, including frame drops, especially during boss fights. While the reviewer acknowledges that performance can vary depending on individual setups, they express disappointment with the inconsistency and frame drops despite having above recommended specs. It is important to note that performance issues can be subjective and may vary from player to player.

Recycled Bosses and Lack of Clear Direction

Another criticism raised in the reviews is the presence of recycled bosses in the DLC. Some players have expressed disappointment with encountering similar boss designs from the base game, which can diminish the novelty and excitement of facing new challenges. Additionally, some players feel that the DLC lacks clear direction for progression, with side areas hidden in caves and winding paths, making it difficult to navigate and progress through the world.

World Design and Exploration

While there are mixed reviews regarding the world design and exploration aspect of Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, Legacy Gaming disagrees with the criticism of the world design. They argue that the game excels in verticality and offers a unique exploration experience. They appreciate the sense of scale and overwhelming nature of the world, although they acknowledge that there are moments where the Overworld may feel barren or boring. Overall, they believe that the DLC successfully captures the essence of exploration and discovery.

These are just a few of the key takeaways from the one-star reviews discussed in Legacy Gaming’s video. If you want to hear more about the criticisms and Legacy Gaming’s thoughts on them, be sure to check out the full video above!