Legacy Gaming: Helldivers 2 – The Best Build For New Players | Weapons, Armor, Stratagems and Gameplay Tips

Learn the best build for new players in Helldivers 2, including weapons, armor, and strategems. A comprehensive guide for beginners.

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Griot the NPC

Hell Divers 2 is an exhilarating rush of bullets and bombardments. Legacy Gaming shares a solid early game build for new players, focusing on weapons, armor, and strategems. The guide provides valuable tips and recommendations to help beginners navigate the game and make smart investments. Whether playing solo or in a team, this build offers flexibility and effectiveness in various scenarios. With detailed explanations and insights, Legacy Gaming’s video is a must-watch for Helldivers 2 newcomers.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Use the AR23 Liberator as a primary weapon for its versatility and control.
  • Equip the P19 Redeemer as a secondary weapon for its high damage and range.
  • Consider using the machine gun and grenade launcher strategems for clearing groups of enemies.
  • Invest in ship modules based on your play style and upgrade armor for reduced recoil and additional grenades.

Weapons: AR23 Liberator and P19 Redeemer

The AR23 Liberator is a solid choice as a primary weapon, offering both fully automatic and semi-automatic modes. It provides control and flexibility in engaging enemies at different distances. The P19 Redeemer serves as a powerful secondary weapon, with higher damage and rate of fire compared to the Liberator.

Strategems: Machine Gun and Grenade Launcher

The machine gun is a reliable support weapon for clearing groups of enemies, particularly Elite enemies. Its long reload time can be managed effectively with proper timing. The grenade launcher is effective against Elite enemies and imp placements, making it a valuable support weapon for aggressive play styles.

Strategems to Avoid: Flamethrower and Laser Cannon

The flamethrower may seem flashy, but it is not recommended due to its potential harm to the player and lack of stopping power. The laser cannon, while sounding impressive, lacks significant power compared to other weapons. Smoke and gas-based strategems are also generally ineffective.

Recommended Strategems: Eagle Cluster Bomb, Gatling Sentry, and Mortar Sentry

The Eagle Cluster Bomb provides powerful offensive capabilities, while the Gatling Sentry excels at cutting through smaller enemies. The Mortar Sentry is a tactical strategem that can effectively clear objectives and take down enemies pursuing the player’s team.

Ship Modules and Armor

Invest in ship modules based on your preferred play style, such as the Robotics Workshop and Engineering Bay for sentry-focused builds or the Hanger upgrades for aggressive play styles. The c35 Trench Engineer armor set is recommended for its reduced recoil and additional grenades.

Putting It Into Practice

The recommended build offers flexibility and effectiveness in various early game scenarios. It can be used solo, in solo matchmaking, or in organized team settings. However, it is important to avoid overextending and maintain teamwork. Hell Divers 2 is a team game, and early overconfidence can lead to bad habits. Smart investments and a balanced approach will contribute to a successful gameplay experience.