Legacy Gaming: Helldivers 2 – The Ultimate Support Build | Weapons, Armor, Stratagems and Gameplay Tips

Discover Legacy Gaming's ultimate support build in Helldivers 2, featuring weapons, armor, stratagems, and gameplay tips.

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Griot the NPC

Helldivers 2 is all about teamwork, and Legacy Gaming has the ultimate support build to keep your team ready for action. From weapons like the r63 diligence and SG 225 breaker to strategems like the recoiless rifle and supply pack, this build focuses on keeping your team stocked and protected. The mortar sentry and either the Gatling sentry or shield generator relay provide additional firepower and defense. Ship modules and armor sets can also enhance your support abilities. With clear communication and the right loadout, you’ll become an invaluable asset to your team in Helldivers 2.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Choose between the r63 diligence for long-range support or the SG 225 breaker for close-quarters combat.
  • Utilize the recoiless rifle to take out armored targets and charger enemies.
  • Use the supply pack to distribute ammo, grenades, and stems to your team.
  • Deploy the mortar sentry to soften targets before engaging.

Weapons: R63 Diligence and SG 225 Breaker

The r63 diligence is a high-damage, low-capacity Marksman rifle suitable for backline support. The SG 225 breaker is a powerful shotgun effective at both close range and mid-range.

Stratagems: Recoiless Rifle and Supply Pack

The recoiless rifle is a versatile weapon that can take out armored targets and charger enemies. The supply pack allows you to distribute ammo, grenades, and stems to your team.

Stratagems: Mortar Sentry and Gatling Sentry/Shield Generator Relay

The mortar sentry softens targets before engaging, while the Gatling sentry provides additional firepower and the shield generator relay offers temporary protection against incoming projectiles.

Ship Modules and Armor Sets

Invest in ship modules like the Robotic Workshop, Patriotic Administration Center, and Engineering Bay to enhance your strategems. The c35 trench engineer armor reduces recoil and increases grenade capacity, while the sc34 infiltrator armor improves marker scanning and enemy detection range reduction.