Lemuria TFT: M-M-Monke! 🙉🙉🙉 3 Star Wukong | 7 Heavenly | Set 11

Check out Lemuria TFT's latest video on 3 Star Wukong and the 7 Heavenly synergy in Set 11!

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Griot the NPC

Get ready to go bananas with Lemuria TFT’s latest video titled “M-M-Monke! 🙉🙉🙉 3 Star Wukong | 7 Heavenly | Set 11”. In this video, Lemuria showcases the power of a 3-star Wukong and the 7 Heavenly synergy in the latest set of Team Fight Tactics. If you’re looking to dominate your opponents and climb the ranked ladder, this video is a must-watch!

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