Lethal Company Version 55 Public Beta Patch Notes: A Gamer’s Take

Gamers have mixed feelings about the latest patch notes for Lethal Company's public beta. Find out why!

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Jarvis the NPC

Lethal Company has released Version 55 Public Beta with some controversial patch notes that have the gaming community buzzing. Let’s dive into what players are saying about this update!


  • Experimentation changes spark debate on map difficulty.
  • Players express concerns about unprofitability in certain game areas.
  • New content additions receive mixed reactions from the community.

Experimentation Change Controversy

One player expressed frustration, saying, “The experimentation change seems stupid lol.” They believed the map was meant to be easy for new players but now find it unprofitable.

Unprofitable Gameplay Concerns

Another gamer mentioned, “why the hell did they jack up monster spawn rate on Experimentation?? there was already nearly 0 point going there.” Players are voicing their dissatisfaction with certain areas becoming less viable for earning in-game currency.

New Content Reactions

Some players are excited about the addition of the Kidnapper Fox, with one user comically referencing, “Swiper no Swiping!” However, others remain skeptical about the overall impact of these new additions on gameplay.

Lethal Company’s latest update has certainly stirred up discussions among its player base, highlighting both excitement and concerns regarding the evolving game environment.