Lil Majin: Fought against LIL MAJIN in Super Ghost Battle! Jeez I’m FREE!

Join Lil Majin in a Super Ghost Battle as he fights against his own ghost in Tekken 7 and experiences some unexpected challenges.

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Jarvis the NPC

Join Lil Majin in a Super Ghost Battle as he fights against his own ghost in Tekken 7 and experiences some unexpected challenges. In the video, Lil Majin discusses his ultimate approach tools and the importance of winning the tournament to unlock the ghost. Throughout the battle, he showcases his skills and strategies, while also commenting on the AI’s performance and his own gameplay. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from this intense matchup.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Lil Majin discusses the importance of his ultimate approach tools, such as the neutral one plus two.
  • Winning the tournament is necessary to unlock the ghost in Tekken 7’s Super Ghost Battle mode.
  • Lil Majin showcases his skills and strategies while battling against his own ghost.
  • He comments on the AI’s performance and his own gameplay throughout the video.

Ultimate Approach Tools:

Lil Majin emphasizes the significance of his ultimate approach tools, specifically the neutral one plus two move. This move serves as a powerful tool in his gameplay, allowing for effective approaches and creating opportunities for combos and damage.

Unlocking the Ghost:

In Tekken 7’s Super Ghost Battle mode, players must win the tournament to unlock the ghost of themselves. Lil Majin explains that this adds an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the gameplay, as he faces off against an AI-controlled version of his own character.

Skills and Strategies:

Throughout the battle, Lil Majin showcases his skills and strategies, demonstrating his deep understanding of the game mechanics and his character’s moveset. He discusses his choice of moves, combos, and defensive strategies, providing valuable insights for both casual and competitive players.

AI Performance and Gameplay Commentary:

Lil Majin offers commentary on the AI’s performance and his own gameplay throughout the video. He highlights moments where the AI accurately replicates his own playstyle and points out areas where the AI could improve. This commentary adds an extra layer of analysis and entertainment to the gameplay.