Lucky Luciano: Diablo 4 Expansion Revealed! Pets & Spiritborn Class

Lucky Luciano reveals exciting details about the upcoming Diablo 4 expansion, including the addition of pets and the new Spiritborn class.

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Lucky Luciano recently released a video discussing the highly anticipated Diablo 4 expansion. In the video, he shares his excitement about the new content and reveals some key details that fans have been eagerly waiting for.

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Key Takeaways:

  • October 8th, 2024, is the release date for the Diablo 4 expansion.
  • Pets are now available in the game and will pick up gold for players.
  • A new class, the Spiritborn, has been revealed, with more information coming on July 18th.
  • Pre-ordering the expansion unlocks multiple pets and cosmetics, including a new mount called the warat.

Pets and Gold Collection:

In the video, Lucky Luciano shares the exciting news that pets are now available in Diablo 4. Players no longer have to manually pick up gold, as their pets will do it for them. This feature adds convenience and allows players to focus more on the gameplay experience.

The Spiritborn Class:

The highlight of the video is the announcement of a new class called the Spiritborn. Lucky Luciano shows viewers a glimpse of this new class and mentions that more information will be revealed on July 18th. This class is expected to bring a fresh gameplay experience and expand the possibilities for character customization.

Pre-order Bonuses:

Players who pre-order the Diablo 4 expansion will receive instant access to multiple pets and cosmetics. Lucky Luciano showcases the different pets and a new mount called the warat. The warat mount looks impressive and adds to the variety of mounts available in the game. Pre-ordering the expansion is a great way for players to enhance their in-game experience right from the start.

Overall, Lucky Luciano’s video provides valuable insights into the upcoming Diablo 4 expansion. The addition of pets and the Spiritborn class has generated excitement among fans, and the pre-order bonuses offer enticing rewards. With a release date set for October 8th, 2024, players can look forward to diving into a new adventure in the world of Diablo.