Lucky Luciano: Diablo 4 Season 3 Revealed! No Leaderboards at Launch

Lucky Luciano shares details on Diablo 4 Season 3, including the season theme, companion powers, and the absence of leaderboards at launch.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo 4 developers have announced season 3, with the season theme being the season of construct. The video showcases the depths of Zultan Kulle and the quest to obtain a special power. A new companion will provide additional vampiric or malignant powers. Unfortunately, leaderboards will not be available at the start of the season. The gauntlet, a new endgame system, will also be introduced. The blog post also highlights new dungeons called the Vaults and quality of life improvements such as enhanced stash tabs and faster Hell Tides. The article concludes with Lucky’s excitement for the upcoming season and his hope to reach level 100 with a rogue character.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Season theme: Season of Construct
  • New companion with vampiric or malignant powers
  • No leaderboards at launch
  • Introduction of the gauntlet, a new endgame system

Season Theme: The Season of Construct

Diablo 4 Season 3 introduces the season of construct, where players will venture into the depths of Zultan Kulle’s lair to obtain a special power. In previous seasons, Zultan Kulle guarded the Kise Cube, so it is speculated that this cube will play a significant role in obtaining the power. A new companion will join players, granting additional vampiric or malignant powers. This companion will fight alongside players and provide unique abilities.

No Leaderboards at Launch

One disappointment for many players is the absence of leaderboards at the start of the season. Lucky expresses his own disappointment in not being able to track progress and compete for level 100 rankings from the beginning. However, it is confirmed that leaderboards will be added later in the season. The delay in leaderboards may be an attempt to entice players to return to the game midseason.

The Gauntlet: A New Endgame System

Alongside the new season, Diablo 4 introduces the gauntlet, a new endgame system. Not many details are provided in the video, but Lucky expresses his excitement for the additional content. The gauntlet promises to offer new challenges and rewards for players to tackle after completing the main story. It will likely provide a fresh and challenging experience for seasoned players.

The Vaults: New Dungeons

The Vaults are new dungeons introduced in Diablo 4 Season 3. Lucky speculates that these dungeons may be exclusive to the seasonal content, but more information will be revealed on the developer stream. The Vaults offer layered blessings and riches to players who enter, but they must be careful to avoid certain hazards that can diminish their blessings. This addition adds complexity and strategy to the dungeon experience, keeping players engaged and on their toes.

Quality of Life Improvements

Diablo 4 Season 3 brings several quality of life improvements to enhance the gameplay experience. One notable improvement is the reduction in wait time between Hell Tides, from one hour to every 5 minutes. This change allows players to access Hell Tides more frequently, providing more opportunities for loot and rewards. Additionally, movement for the Witch Doctor class has been redesigned, allowing players to move and attack simultaneously. This change may have significant implications for gameplay and could be a game-changer for the class. Lastly, players will receive an extra stash tab, offering more storage space for their items.