Lucky Luciano: The MOST Damage in Diablo 4 – Broken META Build DOT

Learn how to maximize damage over time builds in Diablo 4 with Lucky Luciano's latest video.

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Portal Staff

If you’re not playing a damage overtime build yet, season 2 is going to change that. Lucky Luciano’s latest video explains how the changes to the damage calculation in Diablo 4 make damage over time builds the most powerful option. He breaks down the differences between normal damage and damage over time calculations, and shows how damage over time builds can benefit from secret multiplicative damage boosts. By optimizing for the new season, players can increase their damage output and potentially outperform normal damage builds. Check out the full video below to learn more:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Damage overtime builds will be the most powerful option in Diablo 4 Season 2.
  • Normal damage builds have capped multiplicativity, while damage over time builds have secret multiplicative damage boosts.
  • Optimizing for the new season can increase damage output by up to a third.

Understanding Damage Over Time Builds

In Diablo 4, damage over time builds function differently from normal damage builds. While normal damage builds rely on crit damage and overpower, damage over time builds do not benefit from these mechanics. However, damage over time builds have other mechanics that provide secret multiplicative damage boosts. For example, core skill and skill type damage contribute to multiplicative damage, and certain additives provide a two times additive boost to damage over time. By understanding and utilizing these mechanics, players can maximize the damage output of their damage over time builds.

The Power of Optimization

Optimizing for the new season in Diablo 4 can significantly increase the damage output of damage over time builds. By redistributing the damage from vulnerable sources and investing in core skill and skill type damage, players can enhance their damage by nearly a third compared to previous amounts. This increase in damage, combined with the potential decrease in monster and boss health, makes damage over time builds incredibly strong. Lucky Luciano recommends preparing for season 2 by focusing on damage overtime builds and adjusting Paragon boards accordingly.

With the changes to damage calculation in Diablo 4, damage over time builds are poised to become the most powerful option in season 2. Lucky Luciano’s video provides valuable insights into the mechanics of damage over time builds and how to optimize them for maximum damage output. Players looking to dominate in Diablo 4 should consider exploring damage overtime builds and experimenting with different skill and additive combinations. Stay tuned for Lucky Luciano’s updated builds and recommendations for season 2!